Pingcord - Notice history

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Notice history

Jun 2023

Twitter integrations offline & accounts missing
  • Monitoring

    X / Twitter support has now re-started initially as Premium testing to limit the number of accounts we track. Please note, this new method has been extensively tested with a large number of accounts but may still fail during beta testing therefore we cannot guarantee a stable service yet.

    Many thanks!

  • Investigating

    Due to changes made by Twitter on Friday, public access to Twitter content has been temporarily disabled due to an ongoing issue on their side. Elon Musk has assured that this is a temporary measure:

    Our ability to continue to provide a Twitter integration service will depend on when Twitter re-opens public access. This issue has affected other bots on Discord and other third-party services outside of Discord as well.

    We await to see what Twitter plans to do. Thank you for your patience.

  • Investigating

    We are currently investigating this incident and will provide updates later on.

Twitter integrations
  • Resolved

    We are now satisfied that this issue is resolved. Please message us in the support server if any further issues arise. Thanks for your patience!

  • Monitoring

    We have implemented a fix for this issue and trackers are reconnecting. We are monitoring this issue closely, please report any further issues in the support server.

    Join Support Server

  • Investigating

    We are aware of an issue where Twitter integrations are no longer working. We are working to resolve this issue.

    Join Support Server

May 2023

Twitter integrations
  • Resolved

    This incident has been resolved.

  • Monitoring

    Twitter integrations have been tested to be stable again, and are now available to everyone. Please report any issues in the support server.

    NOTE: Some accounts added a long time ago need confirmation to keep tracking. Please visit your server dashboard for more information.

    Join Support Server

Apr 2023

No notices reported this month

Apr 2023 to Jun 2023
